I’m done and ready to change a few things. Gee that really sounds like a cliché I guess it is. I’m done feeling tired and worn out. I’m done wearing pants with soft stretchy waists and want to wear jeans that button and zip again and be comfortable in them. I’m done with this weird rash I have that flares up with no known cause and little to no help from the doctors I have seen. Maybe, a change in what I am eating will improve the frequency of flare ups because nothing else is helping.
The first step I am going to take is to stop eating candy and chocolate! I crave those sweets all day every day. Any time I leave the house to run a few errands and pick up a few groceries I buy something sweet to eat and now my 3 year old son is asking non stop for those goodies. The chocolate and candy are no longer a treat because we have them so often. It is time to shake up this rut and eliminate the sweet sugary treats. I have been researching a bit on how sugar affects the body and nothing I have read is good. So it is time to mentally prepare and brace myself for the cravings and just do it!
The second part of my new mind set is to return to walking two or three days a week. Going for a simple walk of 20-30 minutes on by myself to clear my head and move my body. I know that I feel better when I get out and walk I do have a hard time following through and doing it. I am also compulsive about certain aspects of house work and getting things done before I leave home. I would like to learn to leave those things be and know its all right.
I have rarely sat down and written goals for myself and I don’t like the concept of making New Year’s resolutions as it seems to be a way to set yourself up for failure. My initial goal is to not eat any chocolate, candy or chips for the entire month of January. Maybe in 4 weeks I will feel better and my clothes will be more comfortable. I will also aim to walk a couple days a week.
Do you have any hints or tips for me to meet my goals?